We needed a system for nuclear track analysis able to read different types of detector (LR115; CR-39), for different applications (radon and neutron dosimetry, research), and to be reliable without compromising on quality. A high-performance mechanical structure was chosen, while in collaboration with Professor Marco Caresana (Politecnico di Milano) we developed a very versatile software for analysis.
The result is a multi-purpose system, POLITRACK®, easy to use and ready for dosimetry services, open and suitable for research. Since 2010, Politrack® allowed us to obtain excellent results in all international intercomparisons for radon measurements.
In the research field, we established a method to measure LET directly. Several articles have been published on peer-reviewed scientific journals.

- Can read any type of detector (CR-39, LR115…)
- Any size of detector up to 200x200 mm2
- Sophisticated track morphological analysis
- Clear algorithms, no black box
- All parameters controlled by the operator
- Noiseless

- Research
- Dosimetry service
- Radon
- Fast and thermal neutrons
- LET spectrometry

Reading detectors CR-39

Reading film LR115

How does it work
The operator can define type and dimensions of the detector, the reading area and all scan parameters. The morphological analysis allows to distinguish tracks coming from different particles and with different energy, as well as remove the background signal.
All algorithms are clear and the operator can easily apply and/or modify morphological filters, and visualise the results in real time, through a powerful graphic tool. If you change a parameter, a recalculation tool is available, without having to read detectors a second time. The output files contain all the scan data. The operator can customize the output template format.

- 550x750x40 mm honeycomb anti vibration breadboard
- 3 axes micro-step motor control board
- Microscope: 4x + pinhole (radon); 20x + condenser (neutrons)
- 200x200 mm scanning frame
- Z axis precision linear stage, repeatability +/- 0.5 micron
- Camera 1/3” CCD USB3 1280x960 b/n, 30 frames/sec
- XY motorized scan table, 205x205mm, 90mm/sec, <1 micron resolution
- Led system for sample back-lighting
- Software packages: CR-39 radon, LR115 radon, CR-39 neutron/LET spectrometry.